Design Control Academy
Training Center.
TRAINING COURSE: DCP level 2 – force
→ Use force and force-distance module of Design Control Power in conjunction with CAD software
→ Use of a multi-physics example


Industrialization designers
Control means designers


2,380€ /trainee
Contact us for in-company training pricing
→ Parameters manager
→ Revision on statistics
→ Use of force tolerance chains
→ Use of multi-physics chains
→ Elaboration of a functional tolerancing dossier
Teaching method
→ Many application exercises
→ We provide a full documentation the trainee can rely on after the course
→ Time dedicated to discuss the implementation on own projects
Assessment method
→ Application exercises
→ Implementation in actual work situation
Dates and booking here
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Accessibility for people with disabilities
Our training courses are accessible to people with any kind of disability. It is necessary to inform us of the participation of a person with a disability as soon as he/she registers for a session, so that we can confirm the possibilities of accommodation and adaptation for him/her to follow the training in the best conditions.
Program sheet creation date: February 2023