Design Control Academy
Training Center.
MODULE 5 – Train the trainer
→ Know how to design a training programme adapted to the client’s needs and requirements
→ Be familiar with different teaching approaches and methods
→ How to lead a group of adults in training
→ Know how to manage the collective and individual progression
→ Evaluate the training action objectively and be able to report on it



At least 2 years of work experience

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Build a training
Taking the environment into account
→ Validate the needs and expectations of the client
→ Validate the target audience and its characteristics
→ Validate the changes expected at the end of the training
Validation of objectives
→ Transforming expectations into learning objectives
→ Organise the learning objectives logically
→ Detailing the tools and methods for each learning objective
→ Plan the logistical organisation of the training
→ Build the evaluation of the training
Conduct a training
The 3 key skills of the trainer
→ Mastery of the subject: expertise or experience?
→ Pedagogical technicality: knowledge of different methods
→ Relational intelligence: adaptation and communication
The different styles of animation
→ Animating = “bringing to life…”
→ Know your natural facilitation style, its advantages and limitations
→ Know how to change it when necessary
→ Recall some elements of group dynamics
→ The specificities of the adult learner
→ Welcoming, start and the introduction
→ Vary the teaching tools and activities
→ Control the sequencing and rhythm
→ Remain attentive to the group, to signs of listening or dispersion
→ Encourage elements of cohesion
→ Immediately manage any tension
→ Make effective use of the various media and tools
→ Conclude collectively and individually
Evaluation a training
On-the-spot evaluation
→ Reminder of the participants’ objectives and expectations
→ An individual questionnaire (easy to use)
→ A round table discussion (make sure to manage the time)
Cold evaluation
→ Gather the opinion of the sponsor if possible
→ Solicit participants through a short questionnaire
Teaching method
→ Adaptation of the training to the context and profession of the participants
→ Short scenarios and collective debriefing on the spot
→ Toolbox each participant discovers and appropriates what corresponds to him/her
→ Many application exercises
Assessment method
→ Quizz
→ Implementation of one of the proposed tools
Dates and booking here
Request further details
Modalités et délais d'accès
→ Consulter les dates et lieux des prochaines sessions et s’inscrire
→ pour plus d’informations, contactez-nous

Accessibility for people with disabilities
Our training courses are accessible to people with any kind of disability. It is necessary to inform us of the participation of a person with a disability as soon as he/she registers for a session, so that we can confirm the possibilities of accommodation and adaptation for him/her to follow the training in the best conditions.
Program sheet creation date: February 2023